
Showing posts from July, 2021

THE 3 As TOOL IN CLIL: Language FOR, Language OF and Language TRHOUGH

  GOOD AFTERNOON! πŸ’• Well... or good evening or good morning, depending on when you are reading this post 😊 In this blog, I have already dealt with the following principles of CLIL: ☑ The 4 Cs ☑ Scaffolding ☑ Bloom's Taxonomy Today's post is about " The 3 As tool in CLIL ". Are you ready? πŸ˜‰ The 3 As tool is used for planning CLIL lessons. Whereas the 4 Cs helps us in the overall planning of the unit, the 3 As tool is of great help when we plan the language our students will need in the activities we have planned. The 3 As stands for A nalyse,  A dd and A pply. Let's have a look at the three stages: πŸ‘‰ Stage 1 : ANALYSE content for the language OF learning. This means the key phrases and the vocabulary needed. πŸ‘‰ Stage 2 : ADD to content language FOR learning. This refers to metacognitive or learner's strategies, language for group/pairwork, understanding instructions, how to deal with not understanding... To me, this stage is highly important. If we wa

The 4 Cs: Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture

  HAPPY WEDNESDAY! πŸ’• This morning I was revising the posts I have written in this blog and I have realised I hadn't shared one of the most important principles of CLIL: THE 4 C's . So here I go! What are  the 4 Cs? The 4 Cs stand for:  CONTENT , COGNITION , COMMUNICATION and CULTURE . A successful CLIL unit should combine the 4 Cs . CONTENT refers to the subject or theme of the lesson or unit. When planning CONTENT of the unit, it is essential to think of the knowledge, skills and understanding we want our students to learn. COGNITION refers to thinking skills our students will develop during the learning process. When planning the activities of the unit, we should include activities that help our students go from low thinking levels to high thinking levels (Bloom's Taxonomy). You can also read about " Bloom Taxonomy and CLIL " and " Activities based on Bloom's Taxonomy " in this blog. COMMUNICATION refers to the students' use of the target


  Hello! Hello! Today I would like to share with you the CLIL unit  I prepared for my 10-11 year-old students during the third term. Kids love animals whether they are vertebrates or invertebrates, don't they? Since they had already studied the vertebrates in L1, their teachers and I agreed to deal with the INVERTEBRATES .  Invertebrate animals are more present in our lives than we  think; that's why I decided to entitled this unit: WHAT INVERTEBRATES LIVE AROUND US? As usual, I follow the steps described in the post " How I plan a CLIL unit or project ". These are the activities that I planned: 1) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES.  I  created a presentation with several slides. In slide 1 there were two groups of animals: Group 1 (vertebrates) and Group 2 (invertebrates). The title of this slide was : " What are the differences between these two groups of animals?   Students could already identify the characteristics of vertebrates, so the next


WELCOME JULY! πŸ’ž We all agree that it has been a hard school year, don't we? We have had to get used to new routines (face masks, hand sanitizers, classrooms with open windows in winter, online teaching, lockdowns...).  Each school year I need the first days of the summer holidays to get over the stressed of the school year and today I would like to share with you some tips I put into practice to recover and make the most of my summer. 1) SET OFF THE ALARM CLOCK . This is one of the first things I do on 30th June. I sleep until my body has enough. This doesn't mean I get up at 11 am, but I let my body "speak". Ok, you may have kids and that's not so easy. Then, make sure that you have time for you before everybody wakes up. During this time you can do those activities you like the most: reading a book, stretching, having a cup of coffee or tea in silent... 2) EAT HEALTHY . You may agree with me that when we are under stress we tend to eat more junk food, drink mor