
Showing posts from March, 2021


  Hi teachers, Have you wondered what is the best subject to teach with a CLIL approach? Yes? No? Well, I think that in fact there isn't a best subject to teach with a CLIL approach. Now you may think: "so... how can I decide in which subject to implement CLIL?  First, let me tell you why I think there isn't a best subject for CLIL . CLIL is a methodology and as methodology CLIL gives you the principles you must apply when planning a CLIL unit o project. Whatever the subject you are going to teach CLIL, you should plan carefully Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture. Even though, there isn't a best subject, in my opinion the main objective of applying CLIL is that our students are able to communicate in L2, therefore choosing a subject which can offer them situations in which our students can use the language for a communicative purpose should be a must. Would you like to know why my school decided to teach Science with a CLIL approach ? Great! Keep reading ;)


  Hi teachers, Today I would like to talk to you about teaching VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR in CLIL . Should we teach vocabulary and structures before starting a Science or Arts unit?  After years of teaching with a CLIL approach, I confess there isn't a specific way to do so. I am going to tell you about my experience as a CLIL Science teacher. From my point of view, it depends on the age you are teaching and your students' level of English. When I teach 6-9 year-olds , I usually spend the first two sessions to teach and revise the new vocabulary that they are going to need in the new unit. And you may wonder how I do it. At these ages, I like using flashcards or realia and to play games with them. You can find some ideas about how to use flashcards in the post my dear friend and colleague Nรบria and I prepared: Let's see it with an example. The CLIL unit " A Healthy Mind into a Healthy Body " was divided into differents parts: 1) Introduction to Food 2) Where does it


  ❤ HAPPY SUNDAY! ❤ I hope you are all fine and that you are not excessively overwhelmed due to the end of 2nd term. Today I am still grading, but I have stopped for a while to share with you session 4 of the ELECTRICITY UNIT we are doing this 2nd term. Session 4 is about CONDUCTOR and INSULATOR materials It is quite an easy session and students enjoy a lot! (they want to test all the objects in the pencil case). At the end of the session, you can discuss why certain objects around us are made of one material and not another. Click on the image below to download this mini CLIL session.  If you put it into practice, I will very happy to find out how the session worked with your students. Stay tuned! Next session is about... RENEWABLE and NON RENEWABLE ENERGIES. EVA 


  Good evening! How was your day? Mine was great, but now I am exhausted. However, I don't want to go to bed without sharing with this post. How many times have you asked your students to do an investigation and when they search for information on Intenet, the web pages they find are too difficult for them to understand? As you know, I teach Science in English and that happens most of the time. Some months ago I discovered KIDDLE . KIDDLE is a visual search engine for kids, offering safe kids webs, image and video search. It is in English, so it is perfect for CLIL and English teachers. Keep reading to find out how it works: 1. SAFE SEARCH . Sites appearing in KIDDLE search results satisfy family friendly requirements. 2. KIDS-ORIENTED RESULTS . KIDDLE returns the results in the following order: 3. BIG THUMBNAILS . Most KIDDLE results are illustrated with big thumbnails. Thumbnails serve as visual clue and are especifically beneficial to kids as they don't read as fast as ad


❤ ❤ HAPPY SATURDAY!!!! ❤ This term my students are learning about ELECTRICITY . I have put this teaching unit into practice several times and it is always a success! Kids get easily involved and they want to participate, especially when they do experiments or they create the electrical circuits. These are the sessions they have already done: 1) Introduction to Electricity 2) Experimenting with Static Electricity And now it's time to experiment with ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS to discover how electricity flows. They love when the bulb lights up. Here I want to share with you this session and you can download it for FREE ! Click on the image to achieve the materials of this unit: Did you miss SESSION 1 and SESSION 2 ? You can download them from my TpT store by clicking on the images below: If you want to get more resources you can subscribe and/or follow me on Instagram: @my_clil_science_corner Have a wonderful day, Eva๐Ÿ’š


Happy Monday! ๐Ÿ’–   Videos and songs are always a wonderful resource for foreign language teaching. Why not using them in your CLIL classes? During all of my years of CLIL teaching I have been using songs and videos to support the contents I was teaching. Both videos and songs have helped clarify Science concepts. During all these years I have been saving them in USB external memories, but I must confess that from time to time I have been struggling to find songs or videos I knew I had, but I didn't know where to find them.  Then I came up with the idea of compiling them in a Google Sites . So, I created one Google Sites: " VIDEOS FOR YOUR CLIL SCIENCE LESSONS " and " S ONGS FOR YOUR CLIL SCIENCE LESSONS ". In both Sites I have classified them by the learning units I am teaching. Click on the photos below to have access to both compilations. If you have liked these two Sites, save the links because I will be uploading new videos and new songs which may be useful