Good morning!

Today I would like to talk about my experience in eTwinning projects. I created my eTwinning profile during the school year 2017-2018 when I attended an eTwinning dissemination session at "SE del Gironès". The session was entitled "Open an eTwinning project". I attended the session with my colleague Núria and we immediately got motivated. Lots of ideas came to our mind and we saw a wonderful opportunity to use English in a more real way.

During the school year 2018-2019 I joined an eTwinning project called "A Healthy Mind into A Healthy Body". This project was coordinated by Vasso, a Greek teacher who embraced me from the very first day. The teachers of this project were from different European countries: Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain (me). I learned a lot from them. This project was carried out with 6 year-old students. They also loved the project.

eTwinning corner

eTwinning corner at my school

My experience in the above project was so positive that I decided to open an eTwinning project for my 6th graders students. I posted an announcement in the eTwinning Partner Forum: I was looking for partners interested in a project that aimed to learn about the trees of each school playground, to create QR codes to label the trees and to share a final product. Fortunately, Paolo -a Portuguese teacher- replied to my announcement. We got on immediately and we developed a wonderful project called "Trees Around Us". Our students were really engaged in the tasks, so all our effort, hours invested in meetings... had paid off.

As a result of all the hard word my students and I were awarded with a National Quality Label  and an European Quality Label for each project. 

 This school year 2019-2020 I also opened an eTwinning project: "Kids growing plants". The objective of this project was to share with other European schools the plants and vegetables of our vegetable gardens, but unfortunately the COVID19 has interrupted this project. I hope that we will be able to continue this project during the school year 2020-2019 (fingers crossed!)

What's your experience in eTwinning projects? 

If you are interested in planning an eTwinning project with me, you can contact me at



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