
Some weeks ago I wrote an article for the magazine of my school. In this article, I explain how CLIL has been implemented in our school. While writing this article, I came up with the idea of sharing with you the contents I teach in my CLIL Science lessons. In another post, I shared with you why in my school we decided to teach Science with a CLIL approach (click here to read the article), but I have not shared which contents I teach in my CLIL Science lessons.

clil, aicle, clil methodology, science units

In the school where I am working at present, I have taught Science with 6-7 y/0 and 10-11 year-olds.


👉 Move Your Body

In this unit, students learn about:

*Parts of the body and actions

*How their bodies have changed from babyhood to childhood

*Our senses (hearing, tasting, touch and smell)

👉 Recycle And Save The Planet

In this unit, students learn about:

*The materials objects are made of (paper, plastic, fabric, wood, glass...)

*Natural or man-made objects/materials

*The properties of materials (flexible, rigid, waterproof...)

*The 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

👉 Plants Around Us

In this unit, students learn about:

*Parts of plants

*The functions of parts of plants

*Types of plants: grass, bush and tree

*They do the dissection of a flower and we observe some parts with the binocular magnifier and/or the microscope

👉 Healthy Mind Into a Healthy Body

In this unit, students learn about:

*Names of food

*Where food comes from: animal or plant?

*Where we store food: fridge, cupboard, freezer?

*Meals in a day

*Junk food vs healthy food: the food pyramid

*Oral hygiene

This unit was part of an eTwinning project (click here to read the article)

👉 How Do Our Toys Move?

In this unit, students learn about:

*How toys can move: batteries, string, spring, mechanism, pushing...

*Shape and movement

*Force and motion

*Creating with Legos

👉 How Do Kaleidoscopes Work? (Light)

In this unit, students learn about:

*How light travels (experimenting with the teachers' guide)

*What happens when light hits a mirror

*What light is composed of (Newton disc)


*What happens when light travels through water

The unit about Toys and the unit about Light were developed through experiments so that students were able to discover the concepts.


👉 What Is There In Your Slime?

In this unit, students learn about:


*Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures

*Soluble and insoluble substances

*Methods to separate mixtures

👉 How Does Light Travel?

In this unit, students learn about:

*Luminous and non luminous objects (opaque, transparent, translucent)

*Natural and artificial sources of energy

*Reflection and refraction


*Blue Light

👉 How Important Is Electricity?

In this unit, students learn about:

*The importance of electricity in our life

*Types of electricity: Static Eletricity and Current Electricity

*Electrical circuits

*Conductor and Insulator materials

*Renewable and non renewable energies

👉 Let's Make A Submarine 





In this unit student discover the contents above through experiments.

👉 Trees Around Us  (PBL)

The aim of this project was to label the trees of our school in English and Catalan. This project was also part of an eTwinning project (see post here).

In this project student learned about:

*The names of trees of the school playground

*Parts of the trees

*Types of leaves

*Types of crowns

*The importance of trees in our life

👉 Let's Discover The Invertebrates Of Our Playground

In this unit, students learn about the different types of invertebrates: ARTHROPODS, WORMS, MOLLUSKS, CNIDARIANS, ECHINODERMS and SPONGES. They learn about their bodies, where they live, how they move...

In this unit, students do a theorical part before looking for invertebrates around the playground, taking photos and classifying them.

Would you like to know what type of activities I have done in these units? Write a comment telling me which unit you would like to know about 👇👇👇

Eva ❤


  1. Hola, soy seguidora tuya de instagram y por aquí (nunca me he atrevido a escribir, sorry), estoy haciendo una programación para mi cole y necesito inspiración (soy novata). Doy clases en el primer ciclo de primaria .... no sé si me puedes ayudar... Gracias

    1. Hola Raquel,

      Primero, gracias por seguirme. Siento no haber visto antes el mensaje. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte? Si quieres, escríbeme por correo ( y estaré encantada de compartir ideas contigo.

      Un abrazo,


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